A prepaid return shipping label will be included with your rental. Items do not need to be dry cleaned, but must be in the same condition as received. Rental fee covers any minor wear and tear, however, any significant damage to the items will result in tailor and/or cleaning fees charged to the card on file. Any items that are damaged beyond repair will result in full authorization of retail price plus any applicable tax. Please package item/s in the same garment bag you received them in, box them and secure the shipping label to the exterior. Returns must be dropped off with the shipping carrier noted on your return label by 12 p.m. on or before the return date specified in your order. If your return date lands on a Sunday or holiday, you have until 12pm noon on Monday or following business day to ship your package. This ensures that your package will be scanned by the return carrier by the next day and returned to us on time. We will not cover additional fees incurred due to international shipping.
If you have not returned a rental item within 7 days after the return date, your late return will be considered a non-return and APOTR will retain deposit plus charge your payment method on file the remaining amount to equal then current "to buy" price + tax for each item. Any previously paid late fees and sales tax will be deducted.

No problem, just send your order via UPS (or whatever your preferred carrier is) to the address below.
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Order #
7580 Fay Ave, Suite 104
La Jolla, CA 92037
Please send an email to and provide us with your new return tracking information. You will be responsible for payment of your own return method.

The prepaid label provided to you covers free return shipping through USPS. USPS is our partner for all return shipping and at this time we do not offer options through other carriers.

Please contact to discuss if rental purchase is possible. Some items are part of APOTR’s permanent collection and will not be available for purchase.
7580 FAY AVE
LA JOLLA 92037